NodeJS Development Services

An open-source, event-driven JavaScript runtime, Node JS is used to execute JavaScript outside of the browser. The cross-platform runtime environment allows developers to build server-side applications.

Working with a Node JS development company can bring numerous benefits and capabilities to different types of JavaScript projects.

Our Node JS Development Services

At BairesDev, we offer the most comprehensive NodeJS development services in the market. We can work on any Node.js development project you might have in mind. Thanks to our cross-industry expertise and in-depth experience with Node.js, we can add value to your project, helping you devise a sound development strategy, leading its execution, and aiding you with launch and maintenance.
  • Node Web App Development
    We have vast experience in developing effective and scalable web solutions with Node.js and JavaScript. From simple apps to complex platforms, we have you covered.
  • CMS Development
    If you’re looking for a custom content management system to handle all your digital content needs, then you’re in luck, as the BairesDev team has in-depth experience in creating complex CMSs for various industries.
  • Mobile Development
    While Node.js is great for web development, it also works wonders in mobile development, especially if you’re trying to build a reliable and fast app. We can help you with that!
  • IoT App Development
    Node.js is also great for creating secure and data-intensive apps for the Internet of Things. The BairesDev engineers know how to use this tool for the IoT and can help you build a robust app for your IoT device.
  • API Integration Development
    Our senior developers know how to create the perfect RESTful APIs using Node.js in combination with MongoDB and ensure data transfer and excellent performance.
  • Plugin Development
    Our team also knows how to expand and improve any app’s functionality with custom Node.js plugins created from scratch that seamlessly integrate with your solutions.
  • Node.js Maintenance & Support
    We don’t just build the best Node.js solutions for your business—we also provide maintenance and support services to keep them running at their peak at all times.
  • Node.js Consulting & Design
    Feeling lost when it comes to your Node.js project? Don’t worry. BairesDev’s experts can help you navigate through your business challenges and pave the way for success.

Our NodeJS Development Process

  • Project Mapping
    We will begin the project by determining your requirements and discussing the best tools to use to meet your needs, such as JavaScript and Node JS. We will also map out your project.
  • Planning
    During this phase, we will plan the stages of development, as well as assign the right personnel for the job at hand. We will select Node JS developers and other team members based on their skills, qualifications, and fit with your specific business needs.
  • Development
    During the development phase, we will create the product according to your requirements and specifications. We will keep you informed about our progress along the way.
  • Testing
    No matter what the type of application or project, we will rigorously test it and address any defects prior to deployment to ensure quality.
  • Deployment
    Finally, after we have assessed your product and its features, we will determine that it is ready for release.

Technologies We Use

You won’t be using Node.js alone. There are a number of frameworks you should become familiar with before you dive too deep into Node.js. The list of frameworks includes:
  • Fastify: It’s a highly efficient web framework for Node.js with a focus on providing the best developer experience with the least overhead and a powerful plugin architecture. It’s ideal for building fast HTTP APIs and web applications.

  • NestJS: It’s a versatile, full-featured, and modular web application framework built for the enterprise. It leverages TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).

  • Still a popular choice for real-time, bidirectional, and event-based communication between the browser and the server. It provides features like broadcasting to multiple sockets, storing data associated with each client, and asynchronous I/O.

  • Strapi: It’s an open-source, Node.js-based headless CMS. It gives developers the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks while also allowing editors to manage and distribute their content wherever it’s needed.

  • PM2: It continues to be a staple for Node.js applications, offering features like process management, automatic restarts, load balancing, and more.

  • ESLint: This is a pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. It helps developers write code that adheres to certain guidelines or standards.

  • Webpack: It’s a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. It takes the dependencies and generates one or more bundles capable of being loaded by a browser.

  • Babel: Despite the evolution of JavaScript, Babel remains an essential tool for transforming modern ECMAScript code into backward-compatible versions for current and older browsers or environments.

Benefits of Node.JS for Software Development

There are a number of important Node.js features, all of which would benefit your business.

  • Node JS is Asynchronous
    Node.js applications don’t have to wait for an API to return data. As soon as a server makes a call, it moves on to the next API. This makes for exceptionally efficient applications and services.
  • Node JS is Very Fast
    On top of being event-driven and asynchronous, Node.js is built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine, which means it’s already optimized to run very efficiently.
  • Node JS is Highly Scalable
    Don’t let the fact that Node.js is single-threaded fool you. Because of the way Node.js makes use of event looping, the server can respond in a non-blocking manner, which makes it well adept at scaling. A single Node.js thread can respond to a larger number of requests than a traditional server.
  • Node JS Doesn't Buffer Data
    Instead of relying on buffering (which most traditional server applications use), Node.js applications output data in chunks to avoid the dreaded buffering.
  • Node JS Apps are Low-Latency
    Not only do Node.js apps enjoy low-latency (delay), but they deliver very high throughput (the amount of data passing through a system or process).

What is Node.JS?

Technically speaking, Node.js is a server-side platform, built on Google Chrome’s V8 Engine for building fast and scalable network applications. Node.js uses a non-blocking I/O model which makes the platform ideal for data-intensive applications that run across distributed devices.

As you might expect, Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and are capable of running on any platform that supports the runtime — which means Linux, macOS, and Windows. 

What is Node Used For?

This is a simple but important question. Where JavaScript can greatly enhance the feature set and design of a website, Node.js allows you to take JavaScript and create actual applications with it. So instead of just adding fancy buttons, pop-ups, and interactive bits to a website, you can create applications and features that can serve thousands of users simultaneously, without bogging down your server.

This is made possible by the Event Loop, which is, basically speaking, a program that waits for events and then dispatches them once they’ve occurred. Because Node.js uses event-driven programming, it results in very fast applications.

Event-driven applications work with a loop that listens for events and then triggers a callback function when an event is detected. In fact, everything that happens in Node is a reaction to an event. With event-driven programming, the amount of resources used is considerably less than traditional development, so you can get more (data processing) from less (server hardware).

What’s really important for you to understand is that Node.js allows the execution of JavaScript code outside of the web browser. This execution can happen on a server or on a desktop client. This makes Node.js pretty flexible.

Common uses for Node.js include:

  • Package management (using npm, bower, or jspm).
  • Module management with webpack (which takes modules with dependencies and emits static assets representing those modules).
  • Task running and automation.
  • Creating back-end applications.
  • Creating and using command-line tools.
  • Building desktop applications.
  • Building neural networks and chatbots.
  • Data-intensive, real-time applications.
  • Applications that stream data
  • Applications based on JSON APIs
  • Single-page applications.

Advantages of Node.JS

One of the biggest reasons why you should choose Node.js for your projects is because it allows you to adopt a “JavaScript everywhere” approach to development. In other words, you can use it to work on the front and back ends of your projects. That turns it into a serious candidate for all your web development projects or, basically, for any JavaScript development project. 

That, however, is only one of the many reasons why you should choose Node.js for your project. Other main advantages of this runtime environment include:

Easy learning curve

Any developer with JavaScript experience can pick Node.js and get it to work in no time. That’s because this tool is intuitive and fairly straightforward.


Probably the most well-known benefit of Node.js is how easily you can scale the apps you build with it. That’s because it works perfectly in systems based on microservices and containerization, which paves the way for flexible and growable software.


Since Node.js provides the possibility of going full-stack JavaScript development on your projects, you can count on the applications you build to be robust and have more cohesion and streamlined logic. That, in turn, leads to increased speed and efficiency.

Vast resources

Given its popularity and usefulness, Node.js has a strong community supporting it, which means that you’ll always find packages, documentation, suggestions, tools, and other resources to boost your team.

Disadvantages of Node JS

There are, however, some drawbacks to using Node JS:

  • Lack of library support
  • Performance reduction when accommodating complex tasks
  • Difficulty maintaining code

In some cases, it may be better to leverage alternative frameworks, libraries, or tools, such as Angular, React, or ASP.NET. Some developers may even opt to use alternative languages in place of JavaScript.

Which Companies Use Node.JS

The list of companies that use Node.js should open your eyes as to what this runtime engine is capable of. The list includes the likes of:

  • Netflix
  • Walmart
  • LinkedIn
  • NASA
  • eBay
  • General Electric
  • Microsoft
  • Goddady
  • Medium
  • PayPal
  • Uber
  • Tesla

But why should your company be using Node.js? Let’s take a look at a few reasons.

Why Choose BairesDev for Node.JS Development

If you have a digital project before you which can be solved with JavaScript, then you need to consider Node.js. This runtime environment provides you with the possibility to tackle the entire project with a single programming language, streamlining the whole process. What’s more, Node.js has intrinsic capabilities that will help you create robust, secure, fast, and scalable solutions.

Naturally, you need to know how to properly leverage everything that Node.js has to offer to achieve those benefits.

  • Flexibility
    It doesn’t matter what kind of Node.js solution you’re thinking about. The BairesDev team can help you tackle it from design and ideation all the way to maintenance and support. We can even boost your in-house team and help you achieve your goals faster and with greater efficiency.
  • Top Talent
    Fortunately, you can always count on BairesDev. Our Node.js engineers are among the Top 1% of Tech talent in the industry, which ensures you get a combination of cross-industry experience and in-depth expertise to take your project to the next level.
  • Efficiency
    Node JS makes development fast — and with our expert developers at the helm, your project will be completed even more quickly. This leaves you time to focus on your core business.
  • Coding Standards
    We adhere to the highest standards when working on your project, ensuring we not only build a quality solution but also test it rigorously for a number of features, including performance, functionality, and usability, to deliver the best solution possible.
  • API Integration Development
    Our senior developers know how to create the perfect RESTful APIs using Node.js in combination with MongoDB and ensure data transfer and excellent performance.
  • Plugin Development
    Our team also knows how to expand and improve any app’s functionality with custom Node.js plugins created from scratch that seamlessly integrate with your solutions.
  • Node.js Maintenance & Support
    We don’t just build the best Node.js solutions for your business—we also provide maintenance and support services to keep them running at their peak at all times.
  • Node.js Consulting & Design
    Feeling lost when it comes to your Node.js project? Don’t worry. BairesDev’s experts can help you navigate through your business challenges and pave the way for success.

Frequently Asked Questions

When you outsource NodeJS development, you are entrusting an external partner with your project. There are several models to choose from. For example, you make have Node experts join your team, working side by side with your in-house team members, or you could fully outsource the project, such that the partner company completes the project from start to finish.

It’s possible to hire Node JS developers on a full-time basis, although you would be hiring JavaScript developers who use the runtime environment to extend the capabilities of the language.

NodeJS is used to create myriad applications: event-driven, backend, desktop, data-intensive, and single-page applications, to name a few. 

Famous NodeJS apps include eBay, GoDaddy, Groupon, LinkedIn, Mozilla, NASA, PayPal, Trello, and Uber.

Node is a runtime environment used for building server-side applications using JavaScript, while Express is a framework based on Node, through which the developer can use Node features and principles to create web applications. 

With more than 2,500 software engineers, our team keeps growing with the Top 1% of IT Talent in the industry.