Custom Database Development Services

Clean, Secure, and Organized Database Systems Built Specifically for Your Company

Business data is more important than ever. In order to remain competitive, companies are using top-of-the-line methodologies that power the use of information across all areas of the organization. However, no two companies are the same, nor is the amount and type of data each manages. Here’s where tailored-fit solutions come into play. 

The Trident of Database Software


The database is the central hub that gathers all information that goes through your company. It is an extremely secure and reliable platform that integrates with all other software in use and gives you all the information necessary to make data-driven decisions.

Web App

It is the most complete and thorough tool to manage all aspects of your database. An ideal Web Application is fast, convenient, and easy to use. This way, anyone with the required authorization can access key data at the right time.

Mobile App

A Mobile Application takes data accessibility to a whole new level. Using cloud-based technologies, it allows users to access the database from a convenient device at any time and tackles many of the accessibility issues businesses face in real life.

BairesDev Best Practices

Data Engineering can be a fundamental component of successful software development and delivery. While there are many approaches towards achieving this goal, these are the Best Practices that we follow and recommend at BairesDev and have proven to be successful across many customer engagements. Our Data Engineering Circle is the center of excellence that defines and maintains these standards and ensures that knowledge and practices are shared across our organization. Throughout our engagements we:

  • Dedicate the Necessary Time
    Implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines with structured release and validation processes that can be executed anytime. This way, we have a more efficient development process with version management, reducing manual work and errors, and increasing team productivity.
  • Manage Different Environments
    With automated pipelines that bring quality, security, team collaboration, and agility to the whole cycle.
  • Use Streaming Mode Instead of Batch
    Wherever possible since this allows us to run our ingestion processes more frequently and be closer to real-time data.
  • Define Naming Conventions That Everybody Can Understand
    And use these when we create objects. It’s better to have long descriptive names than short names that only the creator understands. The code should be self-explanatory.used by the customer and stakeholders at the end of each sprint.
  • Use a Secrets Manager Application
    To store and manage access credentials and keep them safe. In the cloud, we have multiple options like Azure Key Vault or AWS Secrets Manager.
  • Create Simple, Easy-To-Read Documentation
    For the created processes and comment on the code. We focus on why instead of what to avoid commenting on the obvious and having old code commented on in our scripts to avoid confusion.previous versions by adding usable functionality. This allows for verification and discussion of the next steps and adaptation to change.
  • Write Simple Code
    By asking ourselves “Can I make it easier?”
  • Follow the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) And Separation Of Concerns (SoC)
    Design principle. We separate the complexity into smaller, easier-to-read files to keep code simple and to the point. Every class, function, and package should have only one responsibility, one reason to be changed.
  • Work With Modular Functions
    As much as possible, enabling us to reuse the small pieces of code for different purposes. This makes the code easier to maintain and troubleshoot since it’s more structured, clean, and organized.
  • Get Values in Our Code From a Database
    A configuration file, user input, or another external source and avoid hardcoding values. Since this only works well in specific conditions, it will be necessary to modify the source code if the circumstances change.
  • Use Parameters for Our Pipelines
    To enable scalability, code reuse, and standards creation.

At BairesDev, data engineering is not only about collecting, managing, and converting raw data into usable information. We build data pipelines that help algorithms work on production infrastructure and make data accessible so that the organization can use it to evaluate and optimize performance.

Custom Database Development Solutions

  • Custom Database Development
    Since the context of your company is unique, your database application should also be one-of-a-kind. Our expert database developers will create custom-built database applications that follow your business goals and create value where you need it. We will rapidly build cost-efficient and powerful solutions that perfectly fit your requirements.
  • Database Consulting
    Not everyone is a database expert, and not everyone needs to be one. By partnering with us, you will have immediate access to professional database engineers with 10+ years of experience in the market. Our team will guide you through the best processes, methodologies, and technologies to form an ideal solution for your business.
  • Data Mining
    In modern times, there is no lack of information. The real challenge lies in accessing the highest-quality data available while managing the massive amounts of dataflow coming to your platform. Our engineers will work on your system architecture to automate time-consuming processes like mining, structurization, and indexation.
  • Business Intelligence
    Data is only as useful as what we do with it. Whether you are dealing with structured or unstructured data, we can help you organize it and turn it into actionable insights. Our Business Intelligence experts will gather information through reports, dashboards, forecasts, and automated processes to get you on top of market trends and create new business opportunities.
  • System Migration
    When outdated systems start to take a toll on your workflow, it is time to make an upgrade. We can help you automate the data transfer or merging protocol to take all of your old system’s data into a new, powerful, and secure application. In these processes, maintaining data integrity and safety is our highest priority.
  • Data Integration
    In order to make the most of data, it is crucial to make it available to the right people at the right time. Our Data Integration services are designed to consolidate your business processes and disparate data types into streamlined logic schemas. This way, your data processing protocol will be as efficient and valuable as possible.

Start Making Data-Driven Decisions Today

By implementing a proper database solution, your company will be able to quickly scale operations and generate new business opportunities from hidden key insights. Contact us and we will help you outline your business needs, identify areas of improvement, and help you determine how to achieve the outcomes you expect.

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